With the help of the Los Angles County Bicycle Coalition (LACBC), the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) Board recently passed a motion to help school district employees, students, and parents who use bicycles.
The motion directs all schools to "develop appropriate means of securing bicycles." At the very minimum, all new construction will include bike racks. There are currently 200 schools slated for construction.
"Over 950 schools located in Los Angeles, 26 other cities and parts of the county will now be more bicycle-friendly," said Sarah Bradshaw, Chief of Staff for LAUSD board member Tokofsky. "As we battle obesity, traffic and high gas prices, no longer will there be skirmishes over whether one can park a bike on campus. If we build it they will come, and if we encourage children to use bicycles for transportation, we expect they will wisely do so as adults as well."
The district's 750,000 kids, 200,000 adult students, and more than 200,000 teachers stand to benefit from the new resolution.
The Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition (LACBC) is a membership-based nonprofit bicycle advocacy organization. Since 1998, LACBC has worked closely with state and local governments to improve cycling conditions in Los Angeles County. LACBC's achievements include numerous paths and bikeways, the Alex Baum bicycle bridge over Figueroa along the LA River bike path, and many educational and recreational events.
For information about the LACBC, call 213-629-2142 or visit www.labikecoalition.org.
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